I look forward to you elaborating on the comment in the last paragraph about how the PPC might expand its viewpoints beyond populism and social conservatism.

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It's not a change in view points I am suggesting. Recruitment drives, PPC members visible at public events, take the steam gathered through COVID, the lockdowns, fighting for freedoms, etc... and roll the momentum. There are lots of great PPC members, lets ensure they are platformed above the noise. Social Conservatism and populism got us here and now we have to build off of the first wave. When I say moving past these, I mean capacity building.

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A divided house (or country cannot stand). PPC bleeds away 10 - 20 seats from the Conservatives, allowing a left coalition. Sit out the next one perhaps...

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Agreed but the PPC moved the Overton window back right again. I wasn't going to vote Conservative not because I loved the PPC but because I won't support red toryism. I think the CPC got the idea of what's expected out of them now from their members. The point is the PPC served a purpose and got the CPC back on track. I just hope they didn't get the message too late.

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Recommend reading Neema Parvini's "The Populist Delusion".

I say this as a naive PPC founding member who has learned much since that time.

On a positive note, your argument is well stated.

Good luck!

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Thanks I'll check it out.

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