Cases like these demonstrate the importance of a full-throated defence of free speech. Not just preventing these harm or offense laws, but the opposite. The absolute need for free speech.
Politicians have abandoned this. They quickly agree to the premise then try to attenuate or limit the scope. This has failed in all our countries except the US.
So I think we need a renewed focus on total free speech. We must recast the speech controllers as weirdos and oddballs, perhaps speech Nazis.
I think that is the tone we need. Use what they think of as offensive speech to beat them.
It has to be recast as weird. Why do you want to control other people? Have you always had the need for control? Does it make you feel good? Can we control you too? Can everyone control everyone else?
Cases like these demonstrate the importance of a full-throated defence of free speech. Not just preventing these harm or offense laws, but the opposite. The absolute need for free speech.
Politicians have abandoned this. They quickly agree to the premise then try to attenuate or limit the scope. This has failed in all our countries except the US.
So I think we need a renewed focus on total free speech. We must recast the speech controllers as weirdos and oddballs, perhaps speech Nazis.
I like the term "authoritarian wierdos" to describe people who want to remove my freedoms to make themselves feel better.
I think that is the tone we need. Use what they think of as offensive speech to beat them.
It has to be recast as weird. Why do you want to control other people? Have you always had the need for control? Does it make you feel good? Can we control you too? Can everyone control everyone else?
It should seem absurd.