Ok so I'm going to try a new thing here called the weekly round up. It may stick and evolve over time or it may not, it’s something new but I wanted to see if there was interest in it.
The weekly round up is a collection of interesting articles, tweets, memes, videos, etc that I consumed that I think you may find valuable as well. I’m going to divide it into two sections. Videos/Podcasts and text/photographs/memes. I’ll of course credit people appropriately whenever I can. Let me know what you think, is this something you’d like to see more of?
Dr. Todd Grande is a great follow on YouTube. He did an excellent analysis on progressive teachers voting to ban “To kill a Mockingbird”. His final analysis is spot on and hits the nail on the head of one of the key reasons our education systems are in such decay and why censorship is being encouraged.
If you have time “The Middle Ground” video featuring former Conservatives and former Liberals discussing, sometimes heated, about the reasons why they left the other side and finding some common ground is a great watch.
is one of the speakers.I was on
show last week to talk about the importance of Remembrance Day and talk about the Legion as well as the importance of volunteering. Give it a listen if you want to know my thoughts.Photographs/Memes/Text
Wesley describes the inconsistencies with affirmation of gender fluidity.
Interesting polling statistics on the most important issues in Vancouver. Housing and drugs top the list.
Vancouver - Most Important Issue Facing Vancouver: Housing: 48% Drug Overdoses: 12% Crime: 9% Property: 9% Jobs: 5% Climate Change: 4% Transit: 2% Research Co. / November 6, 2023 / n=400 / Online - https://twitter.com/CanadianPolling
This weeks polling results. Well it is certainly to early to tell, I believe this surge has not only to do with the constant Liberal blunders but a good portion is also due to the Conservatives excellent messaging they are putting forward. It’s so good in fact it has spurred the current Feds into a spending spree on municipal housing initiatives but it only comes across as a scam. A Liberal MP announced $228m to build 7000 homes by 2027 in Calgary. That’s about 30m per home. Again this reeks of a Federal to Municipal transfer payment more then a housing subsidy. I’m sure we’ll hear all about how the money was wasted away in the future.
What’s particularly interesting is that the PPC have fallen off the radar completely. I am not seeing the momentum I saw in them in 2021 and they’re appearing to fall apart. While some may celebrate that, the PPC did an amazing job at social Conservatism and many of their policy proposals were brought to the CPC convention and voted on by former PPC voters who came back into the CPC fold. Every Party in my opinion needs a sharpening stone to keep them fresh and the PPC was a sharpening stone for the CPC which brought them back from Red Toryism.
The Children’s hospital Foundation in Manitoba releases a tweet celebrating the medicalization of a 10 year old boy to pretend to be a girl. The article highlights a key flaw and how the cult mindset has already taken a hard root. He won’t understand now but one day he may want to have kids but it will be too late having been sterilized. The idea has already been put in his mind that kids won’t be required due to being a famous actress (the chances are very low), from the mouth of the child or the parroting of Parents voices? I’ll leave that for you to decide.
The Federal Court overturns the plastic ban imposed by the Government on straws and plastic bags. Liberals indicate they intend to appeal. This Government is starting to learn that the Courts just don’t overturn Conservative decisions. While I disagree with the plastic straw ban, I worry more about the overarching powers the Courts have on laws in this Country despite not being elected themselves. Read the full story here.
Teddy is getting ready for Winter. Till next week y'all!