
Tour of Israel's Rambam underground Hospital

CEO Dr. Michael Halberthal shows us the facility

Last month I took part in a sponsored tour of Israel as part of a group of independent Canadian media personalities. While there were many sites that we toured that directly involved contact with people affected by the war, one of the areas that has been discussed but not widely shown has been the Rambam hospital in Haifa. I have attempted to put together a point of view style documentary of that tour. In this video you will meet the CEO of the facility, see a few outside areas and then see the famous underground hospital facility which is currently in use. I have done my best to show as many areas as I can while attempting to best respect the privacy of the individuals receiving treatment.

The CEO shows us:

  • How the facility converts from parking lot into hospital

  • advantages to conducting treatment underground

  • drawbacks and patient concerns

  • The Hospital Operations center

  • Surgery areas

  • Why such a hospital exists

  • and more!

I have some more articles forthcoming about the overall experience. If you are interested in further listening, I have already posted several interviews in Podcast format on Spotify/Apple and some videos, including the Stations of the Cross in Jerusalem, on my YouTube Channel.


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