It’s 2024 and things are looking up in Canada. We are riding the wave of a great new NAFTA deal providing wealth and comfort to Canada’s manufacturing sector. We are building tons of new affordable homes for people. The middle class job market is on the rebound after COVID. We are bringing in a record number of new workers to supplement our low wage job market and enhance our economy. The Federal Government has reduced income tax putting more money back in our pockets. Price controls in grocery stores will ensure Canadians can afford groceries. Corporations are paying their fair share which will keep social benefits going for Canadians for years to come. Our healthcare industry is thriving and people are waiting months instead of years for essential health services. The weather is getting better from all the carbon taxes were paying and the more we pay the less bad weather events we will have. Relations between Indigenous people and the Canadian Government is thriving with a major reduction in boil water advisories. Drug addicts are recovering and getting clean due to all of the harm reduction policies. Criminals are getting out early from the amazing rehabilitation methods and not reoffending. Strict Bank of Canada rules are routing fraud and not freezing Canadian Banks accounts. The Government investigated claims of foreign interference and Canadians can be relived that it isn’t that bad. The Government manipulates the financial sector constantly to keep inflation as low as possible, forever. Handguns are being banned and collected to ensure that gun crime will be resolved. We have divided everyone sufficiently by race, religion, culture, sexual orientation and more to ensure that we are always fighting each other requiring increasing Governmental solutions.
The Big Lie
Of course everything I wrote above is a fantasy. A lie perpetrated by the collusion of legacy media with Big Government and is it ever big. The Government has continued to grow at an exponential rate in Canada while private industry continues to suffer. However throughout this all there is a segment of the population that continues to believe the big lie. They honestly believe that things are going great and maybe the Government has not gone far enough. These are the people who will tell you that the city they are in is so vibrant, it’s got soul while asking the employee to unlock the toothpaste cabinet or the fast food worker to buzz them in to the washroom. You have to understand that they live in an alternate reality. A reality so detached from truth that they’ve overcome themselves into believing the big lie.
They’ve convinced themselves that the only thing stopping the final leaps of progress is a sub-section of ignorant people, a fringe minority and they need to be stopped. Regardless if the polling numbers showcases a crushing defeat for the Liberal Party, their goal is to advance the lie as quickly as possible. People in the way are targeted for cancellation, debasement and humiliation. The people targeted are not the upper class but everyday people who don’t agree with the neo-liberal agenda. You have to realize that these people are true believers and no actions that may stop “progress” can be tolerated. The media is supposed to hold the ruling party to account but they spend their time targeting the minority opposition. It doesn’t help that the majority of the media in Canada accepts huge subsidies.
The latest collusion on the big lie is a worker standing up to the Prime Minister.
As the encounter went viral instead of acknowledging the worry the worker has and the issues that he brought up, Leftists went to town trying to talk about how the man was wrong. They attacked his job (overpaid should be grateful), his family (don’t have kids if you can’t afford them), he was filled with Conservative disinformation, attempted to dox him and eventually the most insane theories that he is actually a Conservative Party plant. The left, the bastion of the working class and the Unions made it very clear that all must bow to the big lie. No complaining allowed, only eternal undying gratitude to the party who has given so much. In contrast to the attacks that the Conservative Party has faced from the press, this little bit of resistance is too much for the neo-liberal chattering class.
Weakness Exposed
It is precisely this interaction that highlights how weak the Leftist brand has become. They’re preparing to do the victory lap through the Institutions but it relies on everyone falling into line on the big lie and they have largely succeeded. They have managed to brand anyone and anything that challenges the leftist consensus into some type of evil boogeyman. So everyone plays along with the game, drowning in debt, worried about losing their livelihoods and social standing. The left has nailed the formula but the formula relies on fear and silence and the willing to accept. Mockery and humiliation, the way of the Court Jester is one of the biggest tools in the arsenal to combat them and they must be mocked and humiliated at every corner. They pride themselves in their accomplishments so mockery cannot be tolerated. However in Canada we must continue to mock them online, in person and in what segments of the media apparatus we have access to.
While we mock them we must get back into the Institutions, the charities, the non-profits, the churches, the private and Government sectors and peel back the layers and restore them. The good news is that people are more awake then ever before and everyday people are tired of it, the silent majority will not be denied to a screaming woke mob much longer in Canada and hopefully we can pull back from the brink in time.