“Good Evening Premier Moe,
I am writing to you tonight in defence of Jeremy Harrison. In a Public Relations move meant to embarrass and humiliate your Government, Randy Weekes publicly cut up his party card and made a series of accusatory statements towards other members. These statements were taken and ran with by the NDP in an effort to put additional pressure on you and your party in order to sew additional chaos in an already difficult situation. A series of defamatory accusations not backed up by evidence were lobbied against Jeremy Harrison. Jeremy has been a steadfast supporter of firearm rights for Saskatchewan residents and against the Federal Government's intrusions on legal firearm owners. These statements made, in my opinion, are an attack on firearm owners as well as Jeremy, portraying firearm owners as dangerous and unhinged. This province has a long history of sport and hunting with legally acquired firearms by licensed firearm owners. I have coached a youth shooting team and seen the discipline and confidence that the sport provides to young people as well as the opportunities it provides to make friends and travel to compete. Being a firearms owner comes with responsibilities that are paramount for public safety. The incident, from many years ago, where Jeremy brought his long gun into the Legislative building following proper procedures for ensuring it was locked and stored in a case has been blown out of proportion in an effort to smear him and your party. Jeremy spoke to the security and got permission from them. It is far more dangerous to leave a firearm unattended in one's vehicle than in a secure legislative building. A NDP member had a histrionic fit on twitter expressing how they couldn't believe it happened in the "sacred Halls" of the Legislative building. Other nonsense accusations were lobbied including claims that a member was worried about Jeremy having a concealed handgun on his person. This had led to a series of hysterical behavior from the media and those opposing your party.
Cancel culture is a real and constant threat that is lobbied and used against Conservatives and Liberals that refuse to toe the line every day. BC Conservative Damon Scrase was the latest in which the media apparatus was utilized to target him for stating, retweeting and liking posts on Twitter. The fact is these attacks work and Conservatives are constantly playing defence and capitulating to the mob. Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario is now under fire for making comments about immigration and will most likely bend the knee. You have nothing to gain by playing into the mob's hands, apologizing just makes it worse. Never apologize if you haven't done anything wrong and stand by your morals and values and stand by your people. Conservative politicians need to say what they believe and stand behind it. This means sometimes people may support things that are not popular for the leftists societal narrative or the media talking points. They may be things that not all members of your party may necessarily support. The radical left, the woke mob are always circling and waiting for their next target. They hate you, they hate your ethics, values and moral reasoning. We've met before Mr. Moe on a few occasions and, although I have not always agreed with you or your party, I believe in Conservatism, encouraging Conservative values and standing against the regressive tide of postmodernism.
I have spoken to people who have been "cancelled". This means people who have been fired from jobs, lost opportunities, had family & friends turn their backs on them and had media campaigns ran against them. A few of these people have even left Canada for safety reasons. This only happens to people because the mob is allowed to isolate them from their supports. Every time the mob is allowed to cancel someone the ability to oppose these radical groups becomes more difficult and they become more emboldened. This isn't unique to Conservatives, I know Liberals who refuse to toe the line who have received the same treatment. We have to stand by our people, we cannot allow them to be struggled by the mob. It only works when we all stand as idle gazers, hoping the eyes of the mob don't fall onto us, while the mob extracts confessions and apologies out of people.
I ask that you stand by Mr. Harrison and stop retreating and start advancing, never give an inch to the mob. Especially based off of accusation, rumor, hearsay and a situation in which Mr. Harrison made a judgement call emphasizing public safety.
Thank you for reading,”
Cancel cancel culture.