A video surfaced yesterday of Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland being accosted in Alberta. The Liberal Deputy PM was seen travelling in the heart of the most Conservative part of Canada and at least one person took offence to her presence. The Liberals have not been silent on their plans to destroy the oil & gas sector to meet ESG compliance with green energy. On top of all of the usual Liberal bluster about ruining our economy to satisfy the needs of Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal urbanites they were also very happy last year to freeze the bank accounts of Canadians who didn’t tow the lockdown line.
So there may be a few reasons why people might not be too happy to see her. Despite all of this, it is key to remember that we need to leave Chrystia Freeland alone! She’s a female and a Liberal so there can be no anger or criticism directed towards her. Once video was posted online the white knights, simps, legacy media and the Liberals flying monkeys came to the rescue of the shunned Deputy Prime Minister. They denounced the attacks against a woman (can they even define what a woman is?) and her as a politician. The Liberals got their usual support from the usual Political groups like the NDP. However it was insisted upon that the Conservative Party apologize to her as well, when the Conservative Party did not descend from the heavens to shower praise upon her and scorn their evil base for mean thoughts and tweets they were instantly criticized and accused of supporting her “attacker”.
Double Standards
Every single day across Canada, Canadian Federal Public Servants are accosted and verbally attacked for doing their jobs. RCMP officers are routinely assaulted, spit on, sworn at and forced into all manner of incredibly nasty situations for which they must respond. Federal Correctional Officers are verbally accosted, assaulted, spit on, have urine and feces thrown at them and must remain professional. The clerk at the understaffed Passport Office has to listen to justifiably angry Canadians yell and sometimes threaten them. All manner of Federal Public Servants face scrutiny and scorn from Canadians on a daily basis and they are expected to handle these situations while still upholding the values of the Public Service.
Chrystia Freeland is a Public Servant, but what is different for her is that she has the protection of the Prime Minister’s Office and the highest Office in the land. To scorn her is to scorn the Liberal Party and the Political Class. That remains unacceptable and all Canadians must repent if it occurs.
Political Class Preferences
The Political Class is also subdivided. Liberals are at the top and cannot be scrutinized, especially if it is a female. Unless of course it is a Liberal Minister standing up to bullying from the Prime Minister’s office to try to get her to commit a crime, then she gets what she deserves, right Liberals?
Everyone else is at the bottom, there is no real hierarchy.
Jagmeet Singh was literally chased out of Brampton by fellow Sikh’s at a NDP rally. No condemnation, no press articles, the whole fucking thing was swept under the rug and covered up because it made the friends of a Liberal look bad. Put it into You Tube and you’ll get plenty of hits for the “racist” attack in Peterborough, you have to dig to get the Brampton video. It’s astroturfing at its finest.
Maxime Bernier actually got egged in Saskatoon and declined to press charges. There were a few news articles but no condemnation from the ruling party or their acolytes.
Here’s an interesting take on the incidents…
Words are not Violence
While it is certainly jarring when someone is screaming and yelling at you, it doesn’t amount to an assault requiring two days of National News coverage. As a Politician Chrystia is fully prepared to wear the slings and arrows of mean words, swear words, loose threats and accusations from all corners of the political realm. It comes with the territory. It isn’t nice and some people might be taken aback but it happens; it happens everyday to many Federal Public Servants, many performing real front-line tasks assisting Canadians.
These media stories are one thing, obviously Kate Telford is diving deep into the coffers to line up some astro-turfed opinions for the masses. The calls for the Liberal Political opponents to bend the knee and apologize on behalf of a man who doesn’t represent them are another thing all together. I was disgusted that the media brow beat Conservatives to produce tweets and responses to condemn the mean words.

If you think speech can go too far and that the verbal attack on DPM Freeland was violent then I would encourage you to read my first Substack Article I wrote about my thoughts on Salman Rushdie.
We’ll see how long the Liberal press machine can keep the news cycle pity train going. I think we’ll get a good week out of it. Meanwhile, we’ll continue to ignore all the real issues going on in our Country that need work.
Pierre took to the media to condemn the incident as well. One of the most shocking things of all of this was the PM's address on the incident. Not in the content of his speech, which was entirely predictable, but the flags behind his podium. Apparently we have replaced the Canadian flag with the Progress pride flag.