There’s a new kind of hate spewing forth from the depths of Misogyny. Women throughout history have had their fair share of contempt from Governments, Religions, Men and other Women. The examples are innumerable, the suffering incalculable and we still have to contend with this type of behavior in modern living. At the core off all of these attacks throughout time have been a deep seated fear of femininity, what it meant for men, the world and culture itself.
However there is a new hate that has arisen and reared it’s ugly head. It isn’t perhaps the worst hatred women have faced but it has a much more wide spread implication then any of the previous attacks on women. It is the attack on femininity itself. The by-product of this hate being the bastardization, cruel mockery, outrageous mimicry and repudiate denunciation of femininity.
In previous times attacks on women were meant to seize control of them in some way. The goal was to assert the dominance of masculinity and reject the feminine. The feminine was acknowledged to have existed and had profound impact on the lives of women and their upbringing and belief structure in the world. This new modern form of attack means to strip women of their femininity altogether and repackage it to men to wear as a visage. This re-packaging has been surprisingly cheered on by women, particularly middle class, woke, white, wine mommies.
Revisionist History
One of the hallmarks of this hatred of femininity is to denounce the accomplishments and sacrifices that women have had to make throughout history and repackage their work as some form of “masculine energy”. A mythological concept rooted in ideology that somehow these women accomplished these grand feats because they actually possessed a male spirit. They could not have accomplished it themselves because they secretly had some male identity that we must read behind the lines of in order to find out.

In a barf inducing revisionist history, Joan of Arc is repackaged from a female heroine who channeled her femininity and faith to take back her homeland to a Transgender icon and role model who was convicted by the Church not as a political ploy but because of her refusal to conform to Medieval fashion standards. Until modern times it was accepted that Joan cut her hair short and wore men’s clothing because there was limited to no women’s armor or headdress. It wasn’t some blooming male spirit contained within her. It isn’t good enough for these women haters to take the glory due to her, they have to take her femininity away. In some cases there have been attempts to repackage Joan as Intersex and even question her genetic composition.
Possibly the most offensive revisionist history within the LGBT community itself is the revision of the Stonewall riots. Stormé DeLarverie was a black, butch Lesbian who was struck on the head by a baton and handcuffed when she turned back to the crowd of mostly gay men and yelled out, “Why don’t you do something?” Gay pioneer Fred Sargeant was there mere feet away corroborating that version of events yet he too recently faced the wrath of the “Queer” community when he was assaulted at a Pride Event. The woman haters claim that a transgender woman named Marsha Johnson threw the first brick at Stonewall and if you are a LGB person you are told, “You owe your rights to a Transgender Woman of color.”

Appropriating femininity for Profit and Fame
There is a growing group of men that are taking femininity away from women and claiming it as their own. They then engage in a form of gatekeeping of femininity in what I believe is the most insidious form of hatred towards women yet. Men are pretending to be pregnant, they are pretending to have periods and there is even social media influencers that claim to be going through some type of second puberty as they explore “girlhood”. At the end of the day with visits to the White House, incredible numbers of followers for their narcissistic driven social media, advertisement deals, magazine articles and features, etc… there is an incredible market for men appropriating femininity. This market is almost exclusively driven by women.
Of course the Canadian Government has gotten in on the fun as well. The lexicon of Government of Canada language continues to “evolve” to be more inclusive which in reality means pushing women further and further out of existence. How Doctor Teresa Tam can stomach her own gender’s erasure as her account puts out tweets about “pregnant people” is beyond me. I used to believe that women that said such things did so only because they were scared of the societal repercussions but we have certified Doctors that have bought into the madness.

The act of pregnancy is another aspect of femininity that men seem hellbent on owning. Move over Margret Atwood, the Handmaiden’s Tale seems to have taken on a new life of its own.
This type of normalization of the masculinization of pregnancy isn’t new. In the 2016 article called “My Brother's Pregnancy and the Making of a New American Family" Time magazine attempts to normalize the idea of a man giving birth and then “Chest feeding. In the end it is simply a hatred for women that has been given the social green light. This was years before Netflix attempted their social norming of the male takeover of femininity in the Netflix movie, “He’s expecting”.
My based fellow Canadian Eva sums it up perfectly

Reshaping Language in the Pursuit of the humiliation of Women
Despite what some Liberals may think, I’m not stuck in a echo chamber. I frequently expose myself to progressive ideology in the hopes that I can learn something new and to continue to develop my arguments against progressivism. In 2018 I went to an event put on by a United Church. The United Church as I have come to learn is the most Progressive Branch of Christianity. This was a one day seminar where we were going to learn about the impacts of colonialism on Two-Spirited people, learn the most up to date LGBT terminology, learn how to use pronouns properly, learn more about reproductive health and then we were going to get certified by the Saskatchewan Health Authority on the use of injectable naloxone.
Our Instructors were both men who used female pronouns and declared themselves non-binary. This was one of the first times I had heard the time non-binary and it immediately set off internal alarm bells but this was not a confrontational event, this was a chance to do reconnaissance. I listened and asked questions as appropriate, jotting down notes until the Saskatchewan health Authority Nurse came in to talk reproductive health and naloxone.
One instructor rudely interjected on the Nurse when she used the term vagina. He said something to the effect of “Vagina is an outdated term and is extremely binary. I would hope a health professional would be using more inclusive language. We would prefer you use the term “Front Hole”. I couldn’t believe what I just heard. We were then told we shouldn’t use the term breast feeding and instead use the more inclusive term chest feeding. The nurse nodded but I could see she was extremely uncomfortable with this denial of biology and her own femininity. I have not heard anything as uncomfortable to describe a woman then a chest feeder with a front hole. It’s a complete denial of the characteristics that make a woman a woman and reduces her to akin to a sex object. It’s humiliating and the humiliation is intentional and dehumanizing when we cannot even acknowledge the basic biology of women. It’s only further exacerbated when biological men that are wearing the visage of a woman in public mansplain to biological women how they should be referring to themselves.
In Conclusion
This new form of misogyny appears to still be in the early stages. The hatred of femininity by its aggressive takeover by men continues unabated by the Institutions with power (Government and Big Tech) who have inserted themselves into a hot culture war and chosen a side. People who refute and refuse to incorporate this ideological indoctrination into their lives are labelled as bigots by the internet, expelled from work after a mainstream media led struggle session and usually have to find refuge on the Conservative side of political spectrum even if they are not Conservative in nature.
Yet curiously these Institutions do have a weakness, their own ideological inclinations have exposed a language problem as they don’t possess complete institutional control yet. Ask any of these progressive ideologues in Government or Industry to define what a woman is and watch them stumble over themselves with circular logic as they attempt to placate their base without riling up the normies too much.
“What is a Woman?” is an ideological purity test. Some of the diehards have overcome themselves but there’s still hope when so many still struggle to accept the re-defined language.
But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother."- 1984 George Orwell
A key component of this humiliation of women is that men wearing Womanface are themselves secretly humiliated that they cannot be what they claim in public to be. Their sexual satisfaction depends on them fooling themselves about being a woman.
Those who refuse to play along are attacked because they force the pretenders to face reality--which deprives them of their sexual satisfaction. And women, simply by BEING women, rub these men's noses in the harsh reality that they are male. They loathe women for this. Again--it deprives them of their orgasm.
These men are bullies--often violently so. They are a physical danger to women. They need to be called out and shamed--and we need to say to them publicly that we know that they are experiencing sexual gratification by their cosplay.